165+1 sentence examples: 1. The common genital pore (male and female). 1. Pore The word pore has two unrelated meanings: (1) To examine closely. The rates of pore fluid flow are related to the pore pressure gradient through Darcy's Law. Press down on the blackhead, forcing the blackhead out of the pore and through the loop. the common duct, and then we reach the pore (fig. If the medical research is true, then at the end of nine years there is not an eyebrow, eyelash. It was the air of the sixteenth century which had permeated my every pore. If a distal pore or aperture is present, it is excretory in function; suck varieties have been termed " cystons " by Haeckel. In addition to reducing the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles, many people seek ways to effectively reduce pore size. fusion pore rapidly closes again releasing the synaptic vesicle back into the cytoplasm. As for your large pore dilemma--we all have them sista--unless we are 25 or younger, or have our pictures airbrushed like so many magazine models. Membrane fusion by the influenza hemagglutinin: the fusion pore. Show More Sentences. It's difficult to see pore in a sentence . The extension to curves of any given deficiency D was made in the memoir of Cayley, " On the correspondence of two points on a curve, " - Pore. every pore. They pored through the medical literature and consulted other cancer specialists. (vi.) There is usually distinguishable upon the surface of the oosphere an area free from chlorophyll, known as the receptive spot, at which the fusion with the antherozoid takes place; and in many cases, before fertilization, a small mucilaginous mass has been observed to separate itself off from the oosphere at this point and to escape through the pore. Old Michael Johnson was much better qualified to pore over books, and to talk about them, than to trade in them. How could she not have wondered why he’d come home so early Saturday morning? actual relation of the glandu- k, Pore leading from the nonlar and non-glandular sacs of glandular sac to the exterior. Carbon adsorbents Controlled pore size represents a " holy grail " for carbon science, since highly selective adsorbents could then be produced. The concrescence of these pores can be traced in other cystids; but as the genital organs became affected by radial symmetry the original function of the duct was lost, and the reproductive elements escaped to the exterior in another way. 9. 3. C, genital sinus and neighbouring parts (from Sommer); a, ventral sucker; b, cirrus sac; c, genital pore; d, evaginated cirrus sac: e, end of vagina; f, vasa deferentia; g, vesicula seminalis; h, ductus ejaculatorius; i, accessory gland. On the 6th of October 1382 the crown licence in mortmain was issued, on the loth-13th of October the site was conveyed, and on the 20th of October 1382 "Sancte Marie collegium" or in vulgar tongue "Seinte Marie College of Wynchestre by Wynchestre" was founded for a warden and "70 pore and needy scholars studying and becoming proficient in grammaticals or the art and science of grammar.". See more. It is to be noted that the Hirudinea differ from the Oligochaeta in that the male pore is in advance of the gonads (except in Acanthobdella, which here, as in so many points, approximates to the Oligochaeta), whereas in Oligochaeta that pore is behind the gonads (again with an exception, Aliurus). Ere you come, a pore mis'rable specimen of 'uman scum, an' I tykes yer into my galley an' treats yer 'ansom, an' this is wot I get for it. Dr. Fredric Brandt developed his Pores No More Pore Refiner after 20 years of working in the skin care industry. Examples of Pore in a sentence. My cattle are so pore I'll have to winter 'em on foothill winter feed. she said, Raiya had been in her office for six hours. Unable to induce Burr to avow Federalist principles, influential Federalists, in defiance of the constitution, contemplated the desperate alternafive of preventing an election, and appointing an extra-constitutional (Federalist) president pro tern pore. Ludamassy! Pore as a verb – Students pore over their books to study for their exams. Example sentences with "pour": Shall I pour the gravy? Hence the cavity of the air-sack is equivalent to a sub-umbral cavity in which no manubrium is formed, and the pore or orifice of invagination would represent the margin of the umbrella. Seen him today at a runefal? Examples: Sweat is coming from all of my pores because it is so hot today. 2. 12. a conical, thorn-like projection from the base of the pore, sometimes found also in dactylopores; sessile gonophores. Terry was handsome on stage because his features were larger than life – nose, chin, mouth, One-third white and two-thirds bamboo puree mixed with refined tea bits sweating through his, The body produces natural oils and, as long as the, She could feel the full force of the sauna’s heat now, the sweat beginning to push through her, The minerals also help to neutralize the toxic acids that have contaminated and inflamed, On the beach the sun caressed my tired eyes and prickled my face, revitalising the skin and its drained, Don’t miss the crevices around the nose, lips, and eyes and take care not to rub the powder into the, Rafferty felt class-hatred of the rich, the powerful, the effortlessly well-connected, rise from his own, When guilt wasn’t filling every one of his, In this position it was rather egg-shaped, and he could see the, Elise‘s chin quivered and resignation oozed from her, It soothed their skin, washed the salt and sweat and fuel from their, It began to fold into my physical self by plying my skin and sinking through my, After a week or so, this area will be replaced by a new layer of skin which will be smoother and will have smaller, We not going to have sex with you with that stuff on your face, the dirt in your, By reducing the toxins in your colon, you minimize the toxins that can seep out of your facial, These secretions combine with bacteria and other contaminants, clogging the, Skin toners are pleasantly refreshing, and their evaporating and cooling action causes the, The foul odor of her breath was so strong I almost gagged, and although I kept my distance, it seemed to enter the, The toxins released in cigarette smoke can clog, Joseph, meanwhile, felt the sudden pressure of the liquid mountain’s fall force itself into his, This time, nothing of my personality was showing its face; only the works of the Spirit of Christ poured from the, The reaction was violent, he was hospitalized for a summer, cobalt poisoning, it ran through his system, the metal leaked from his, He could smell it, feel it seeping into his rotting, Shampoo and conditioner serve different functions, a shampoo opening the, It wasn’t her appearance but what could be felt; the shadow of her soul rose out of her, Steam your eyebrows with a hot washcloth for five minutes or tweeze right after a hot shower to open the, Blackheads ? In short, he became so absorbed in his books that he spent his nights from sunset to sunrise, and his days from dawn to dark, In the meantime, dozens of scientists had been. 18, C, D, opens to the exterior by a pore placed at the point marked x in fig. As a noun, pore means a small opening, especially in an animal or plant. The ovary is double, and the oviducts open by a median ventral pore about the middle of the body; in this region there is a second swelling. In terrestrial A, Lumbricus : 9, to, segments contain ing spermathecae, the orifices of forms dorsal pores are usuwhich are indicated; 14, segment b ally present; in aquatic earing oviducal pores; 15, segforms a head pore only. In other instances the opening is confined to the base or apex, each loculament opening by a single pore, as in Pyrola, Tetratheca juncea, Rhododendron, Vaccinium and Solanum (fig. The verb pore means to read or study carefully. Ingeborg brought her a footstool; brought her a cushion; brought her, in extremity, a glass of water; began to sew at a torn duster; left off sewing at it; fluttered nervously among the pages of her grammar; The men murmured, though they did not let their murmurings reach the ears of their implacable master, who tramped the poop day and night in gloomy majesty, or, I will not prove to you in mans mathematical terms that is the hour and the time but I will prove to you in TRUE GODS mathematical terms as you will Understand especially if you done your home work, 1 in scripture, TRUE JESUS says that people would be anointed as many that would believe he says this as he also ascended and in the days of Pentecost he, I could feel sweat springing up through my, The cacophony of wind and water whistled through his, There was a lethal dose of obnoxygen spilling from his, This will remove dead skin cells and oils that clog the, Applying cucumber juice on the face helps tighten the skin, During cleansing and fasting, more acid waste may come out of your, It almost looked like stone, but it had no, I soaked in the water as the astringents washed the dirt away from my, They climbed slowly but steadily, sweat pouring from the, As the cold strikes, it causes the muscular striae and the sweat, Generic mineral makeup often uses talc as a filler ingredient, which can clog, See, it is not a needle; it sprays the vaccine in the form of a mist into your, It was a painless one as the liquid entered his body through his, But, careful, she circled her craft, scenting the sharp adrenalin wafted from his, She could feel the ooze of his sweat as it trickled from his, Marcus stared blankly in my direction, then the black rage of death emanated from his, That's because the face has the greatest concentration of, Such items usually do not contain substances that can clog up your, The fresh air of roses and flowers pass by his nose and is absorbed into his body’s, Her eyes were on fire and he could feel the, If you leave it in the filter too long all the, They played with tremendous zest, like two city gents who wanted hard exercise to open their, You are a streaming liquid pool that beads into the. pore in a sentence - Use "pore" in a sentence 1. All Rights Reserved. “Blackheads are essentially pores that are dilated and filled with oil and dead skin cells,” says Dr. Joshua Zeichner , a Manhattan-based dermatologist. Lachmann), a group of Prolarge "sack pusule" discharging tozoa, characterized as Mastigo through a tube by pore o; c.p., hora provided with two flagella, " collective pusule discharging p p at o, and surrounded by a ring the one anterior extended in loco of formative " or " daughter motion, the other coiled round pusules"; n, nucleus. pore fluid pressure is the most likely source of the tremor. b 2, ditto, through posterior neuro pore. With daily use, Biore Pore Unclogging Scrub will keep your face clean and clear. A, Dorsal view showing the nervous system and digestive system; a, mouth; b, pharynx; c, d, e, gut; E, post-genital union of two limbs of gut; f, excretory pore; g, vaginal pore; h, j, k, brain and nerves; 1, dorsal nerves; m, ventral nerves; n, adoral sucker; o, posterior sucker; p, hooks on posterior sucker; r, vitello-intestinal duct. The finest pore metal foams can be made using silica micro balloons 100 or 30 microns across in aluminum silicon alloys. Pore. Confidence oozed out of every, Scott's panic was like being under dirty water--cold blackness pressed through his every, Like last year, there’s not much you need to do to achieve this – no need to, If this is the case then it is more than probable that the extra organ and the skin, Out of the corner of his eye Galahad caught sight of Herne, the true Herne, tall and proud blazing light from every, When her mother returned to the kitchen and sat opposite Susan again it was as if a cold black vapour had seeped into every crevice of the room; every, Green was allocated the corner of a larger office and granted access to their database, then left to, Yes, my friend, it is too true—your eyes is lookin' at this very moment on the, Paving the asphalt and breathing through the mouth and nose, and through every wide-opened, When dad could safely sneak away from her critical eye, the two of them would, It sneaked up on the poor living souls without their knowledge and when it touched their skin, the poison entered their system and attacked every, Listening to the many market newsletter writers, technical analysts, or strategists who. The comedo is removed from the pore with a special tool. Some people love to pore over the details in a prospectus. Examples of pore in a Sentence Recent Examples on the Web: Verb Parliament had six weeks to pore over the withdrawal treaty that provided the basis for Brexit in 2019, for instance, and spent months … The pores of the water-stomata are the outlets of the hydathode. 18, D, i; the latter has non-glandular walls, and opens by the pore k to the exterior. Crompton M (1999) The mitochondrial permeability transition pore and its role in cell death. Pore is defined as to carefully read or study something. How certain were the enthusiasts of that time, that by earnestly. Berndt smiles at her, satisfaction oozing out of every pore. those little black dots that clog up your, And not your regular let you in but that you sleep in my, Suddenly, he felt a blast of bone-chilling air, the hairs from his, An unending thick stream of greasy greed was oozing out of his, She hardly observed that a tear descended slowly upon his cheek, a tear so large that it magnified the, Don't worry about spending a fortune on the ingredients; one of Cook-Bolden's favorites is Olay Regenerist Micro-Sculpting Serum, a sheer formula whose small molecules can dive deep into, She could hear lights flicking on, drawers groaning, while she waited in this hallway that smelled faintly of a thousand meals, as if some giant sweet dough had been packed into the, The skin is coarse and often sallow, with large open, Even his flesh gave him away, shining with the greasy coat of gel that secreted from his, At present, there is no general theory explaining the reason of frost destruction of concrete though it is obvious that finally, strength decrease of damp concrete at cyclic freezing and thawing is caused basically by formation of ice in concrete, I was shocked beyond reason when I entered a decidedly different body whose, The local flora was represented by fine floating algae: sea tangle, and kelp from the genus Macrocystis, saturated with the mucilage their, He lunches with the company's executives; he interviews middle management; he visits the company's manufacturing plants and supply chains; he, When this operation is finished, which commonly lasts six or eight days, the gelatine is put into baskets, being first drained, and immersed a short time in boiling water, in order to extract any small remains of grease, which would deteriorate the gelatine, and also to extract any of the acid which might be lodged in the, How could she not have noticed the money missing from the babysitting envelope? The verb pour means to dispense a drink or other substance. Find more ways to say pore, along with related words, antonyms and example phrases at Thesaurus.com, the world's most trusted free thesaurus. Salons may offer steam treatments, exfoliation, blackhead or pore extraction, peels, masks, toning, facial massage, miniaturization, LED light therapy, and more. A pore is small opening in a surface that lets stuff through. 9. pore meaning: 1. a very small hole in the skin of people or other animals, or a similar hole on the surface of…. 6. It is to be noted that the Hirudinea differ from the Oligochaeta in that the male pore is in advance of the gonads (except in Acanthobdella, which here, as in so many points, approximates to the Oligochaeta), whereas in Oligochaeta that pore is behind the gonads (again with an exception, Aliurus). The pore list of example sentences with pore. 8. Even his wit and knowledge of the world were spoiled, and his affected gaiety was touched with sadness, by the odour of falsehood which escaped through every pore of his body.". Pore spaces are the voids not filled by grains or matrix within a sediment. As pore is a much less common word, people often choose the more familiar pour, producing sentences such as she was pouring over books and studying till midnight. Learn more. The spermogonia open by a small pore at the apex, to wards which the sterig- ca mata converge and through which the sper matia escape (fig. I see him chafe and fret at every pore. Biochem J, 363, 29-36 4. These cells are f - - imbedded in the peri pheral parenchyma, E"- and lead into convo luted excretory tubes _ that form an anasto- - mosis opening to the exterior by a pore at the " hinder " end of the body. Dean offered his thanks but was waved away as the threesome continued to pore over the book, reminiscing over days long past and names forgotten. How to use pore in a sentence. The same arrangement is found in some other Polychaetes; for instance, in Sabellaria there is a single pair of large anterior nephridia, which open by a common pore, followed after an interval by large-funnelled and short nephridia. Copyright © 2020 LoveToKnow. Discover the Pore Refining Peel-off mask that eliminates your skins impurities and smoothes and refines the texture of your skin! The mouth may be a simple, circular pore at the extremity of the manubrium, or by folding of the edges it may become square or shaped like a Maltese cross, with four corners and four lips. Not the least racy clause in the document compiled about 1389 by the Wycliffites in defence of their defunct teacher is the following: "Hit semes that this offrynge ymages is a sotile cast of Antichriste and his clerkis for to drawe almes fro pore men. 34. Take your pick of the fishing gear, learn to paddle a kayak, or pore over the Captain's charts. The only methods of treating pore size is through minimizing their appearance and preventing future pore enlargement and skin changes. In 1653 the weakness and disorder of Poland, which had just emerged, bleeding at every pore, from the savage Cossack war, encouraged Alexius to attempt to recover from her secular rival the old Russian lands. The pneumatophore African American skin look ashy we found a total of 15 by! Hot water boiler with pores topsoil is granular, crumb-size groupings of soil particles and plenty of pore spaces,... Over mug shots as he assumed the car would be located momentarily, and opens by the ventral sucker the. Not have wondered why he ’ D come home so early Saturday morning eliminates your skins and! You do ), which open and close the pore Refining Peel-off that... Of … 31 a good chance you ’ ve had blackheads their books to for! Analyzer can also be used to determine Langmuir surface areas and total pore volume by gas.... 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