No, we do not provide catering. We do not collect the Application fee ($26.75) and $200 advance rental. If the lost access card is found and returned to the Management Office within 3 working days, there will be an administrative fee of $20.00. Office of Housing Services (Reception counter)New address at Kent Vale: 121 Clementi Road #01-19 Singapore 129802, Campus visit for prospective hires will be organized on 2 sessions (working days only):Every Tues, 10amEvery Thurs, 3pm. Q: Am I allowed to bring the food up to my own room to eat? Living on campus is exciting and rewarding. Q: What should I know about NUS Guest Accommodation? If you did not stay for the full month, the Office of Housing Services will pro-rate the occupancy/rental fee according to the number of days that you actually occupied the apartment. Q: Can I still use my unused meal credits after I check out or can I get a refund for unused meal credits? Your access card helps you to access the elevator to your floor, your cluster and your room respectively. Payment mode accepted is NETs/Credit Card only. Rental rates for University Housing are set based on the principle of cost recovery and ensuring that Kent Vale estate provides quality accommodation/housing and services for eligible faculty members. If the lost access card is found and returned to the Management Office within 3 working days, there will be an administrative fee of $20.00. No fear if you have never thrown a dodgeball or cooked an egg before in your life – for IGs are open to all CAPTains regardless of your current skill level! Only grey shaded Insect screens may be installed for the windows. Q: Who is granted access to my room? With a new initiative by NUS Residential College 4 (RC4) interest group RC4lunteers, students will have increased chances to interact with migrant workers through meal-sharing. Do not leave them lying around at the rubbish chute area. Q: Are there supper meals available in the Dining Hall if I am hungry late in the night? Meals are planned along the guide line giving by HPB. All removed belongings will be disposed of. Please contact our Kent Vale Management Office directly at Tel: 66013178 or you can email them at for their assistance. Do you have an awesome idea you’d like to carry out? Cluster kitchens are located at each level. Yes. Payment mode accepted online is via credit card. Q: Will picture of student be displayed on the monitor when tap for the meal? Help! Residents should also label their food items. You may utilize the meal credit during the meal serving time at the dining hall. Oh no, I need to leave very early and the Dining Hall isn’t open in time! Residents are advised to clear all carried forward meal credits prior to checking out. Q: Who do I contact if my meal balances are not accurate? No, selection is usually done upon arrival based on the available pool of apartments. The list of small breed can be found at, For dogs in particular, after approval has been given by the University, Faculty Members must obtain a copy of the dog licence from Animal Control, Agri-Food and Veterinary Authority of Singapore (AVA) and submit it to Kent Vale Management Office. cannot be thrown in the recycle/general waste chute. Cinnamon/Tembusu can accommodate up to 450 students in the dining hall. No, students will not be allowed to access the AV systems. More information can be found at the AVA website Student’s Pass: Please bring along the official letter from ICA (IPA letter) stating that the Pass is still processing. Residential College 4 (RC4) is the third residential college in NUS University Town to offer the University Town College Programme (UTCP). You are then required to clear any outstanding balances on their account and room inspection at least 3 days in advance from their intended check out date. Q: I intend to check out early, can my friend take over my room? You may check the availability and make reservations at Please refer to the instructions at the Flying Seed for more info. Q: What do I do if I cannot contact the Duty RA when I check out after office hours? Only visitors on official business at NUS are eligible for the guest accommodation on campus. No, your room will be returned to OSA and will be offered to students who are in the waiting list. You will need to make reservations beforehand, as the number of guest rooms available is limited. You can only get free flow portion of rice, soup, salads, drinks and fruits. Q: Can I get a refund if I will not be able to utilize my accommodation due to unforeseen circumstances, despite having already made full payment for my stay? If you intend to check in earlier, you may do so during the early check in period (1 week prior to the official check in date). We have three lifts that service the College. IVLE reserves a weekly maintenance schedule every Tuesday 0300 hrs - 0700 hrs. Office of Housing Services is unable to render any assistance as we are only managing accommodation/housing on-campus. Q: Why does a Meal Plan starts with a dinner and ends with a breakfast? To request assistance with MyAccess: . Whenever a student withdraws his application, OSA will offer the room to the next student on the waiting list and if the next student does not respond within the stipulated time, the room will be offered to the next student. Acceptance fee will be refunded upon submission of document for verification. You will not be able to check your account balance through the kiosk. Publishing platform for digital magazines, interactive publications and online catalogs. Vacation period: You have to pay the entire accommodation fee upon checking in, if you have not done so previously during the application period. The grilles must be of aluminium material. 11. printing puzzles If you wish to contact Office of Housing Services, please send an e-mail to Q: How far in advance am I able to make the facility booking? Please advise the sender of the parcel/registered letter to write your local contact number on the parcel or letter. Q: Can I have a copy of the Resident’s Handbook to familiarize myself with the Housing Rules at PGPR? Do note that during the official check in day, residents will be expected to wait for their turn to check-in. Approach OHS office for a temporary Glutz card which allows access. RVR management office will keep the letters for at least 1 month. You can access them using the issued UTown Residence access card for your apartment. Inter hostel transfers are subject to availability. There is also a free-flow of drinks and side dishes (such as soup or salad). Laundry bags are only provided to serviced apartments. Charlton T. Lewis; Charles Short [1879], A Latin Dictionary; Founded on Andrews' edition of Freund's Latin dictionary (Trustees of Tufts University, Oxford) [] [latindico13].Word Count Total Words: 191004 Total Unique Words: 31471. Q: Can I continue to stay in the same room? Please contact the Allocation Team at 1 week of hostel fee from check out date, regardless of vacation stay check in status. Alternatively you can also eat at SupperHouse located next to Foodgle, The average price ranges from $2.50 - $5.00. Learn about DBIDS, the system for managing personnel, property, and installation access using biometrics. This message is sent on behalf of Kwansei Gakuin University, Japan. We have three Theme Rooms: the Workshop (Theme Room 1: for baking and other Interest Group (IG) activities), the Black Box (Theme Room 2: for jamming and making music), and the Arena (the games room). Q: Why has my application for accommodation at KFH been unsuccessful even though there is a room that has been vacant for almost one month since the start of the semester. Can I check in early into RVR in early June? Therefore the room inspection is to ensure the room is still in good condition and that there are no missing or damaged furniture. E.g. Q: Will I be able to enjoy full entitlement of the meal plan if I check in after commencement of semester? to get a better picture on how your initiative can be created within CAPT. are on this homepage. Cancellation notice of less than 30 days is subject to a penalty cost of one night charges. NUS provide guest accommodation for visiting academics, consultants, external examiners on official business at the invitation of NUS Deans, Directors or Heads of Departments. Q: What are the modes of payment for hostel fees, meal plans and registration fee? For more information, please refer to HAS website at, Please write in to OSA via HAS website or Include the following: Full name, Student matriculation number and Address: 8 college avenue east #**-** (unit number) Spore 138615. They also facilitate opportunities for CAPTains to engage with such partners. 11. printing puzzles Foodgle which is opposite Residence 5 (turn right from the main entrance foyer). Given the age of University Housing, the continuous building up of sinking fund is also required for cyclical and upgrading works, which would be due soon. If you are staying in a partially-furnished apartment, you will receive all bills directly from the respective service providers as the accounts are applied under your name. Pantries are located on Levels 4, 7, 10, 13, 16, near Room #63. There is a refrigerator, microwave oven and a stove in each kitchen. Q: I want to change my room location and from a single room to a double room. Deadline is 29 April 2019. Breakfast will be served from 7am to 10.30am and dinner will be served from 5.30pm to 9.30pm. Meal plans follow the same billing and refund frameworks as the hostel fee. Modules with higher module credits (MCs) will contribute more to your SAP and CAP. The vacation stay application will normally be open a month prior to the official check out date. For unfurnished apartments, only electrical appliances are provided (according to the Inventory List). Q: Can I change to double room during the vacation and switch back to a single room when semester starts? No. However, on mixed gender floors, each wing’s bathroom will be allocated for the gender of that wing. Rentals cover all routine, cyclical and improvement costs. You will be given a Check In form to fill in. Only students residing in the colleges are allowed to, unless you are a guest of the student or college. Q: Who can I contact to request for baby cots/cribs? Q: I am not offered any housing benefit in my employment contract; however, I am not a local staff and I need accommodation/housing. Q: Is the dining hall a free sitting area? You may contact the Office of Housing Services at 66011883 or email Self funded courses like MBA do not enjoy MOE tuition fee subsidy. Residents, who wish to perform early check out (before official check out date or the vacation stay end date), must inform Management Office at least one week in advance of your intended check out date. For Regular services, collection will take place before 1100hrs and laundry will be returned the next day by 1800hrs. 2. nus1101 freshman kickstart magazine. How can I change or substitute it? The management office is not responsible and does not collect parcel/mails on behalf of the residents. 30/12/2020 . Laundry rooms are located on Levels 5, 8, 11, 14, 17, near room #63. For check in during office hours, please proceed to the check-in counter located at the Function Room 1. This process may take awhile if more than 1 student turned down the offer. Each neighbourhood has its own unique committee but all share the same intention on creating a sense of family within CAPT. After which you may return the transponder and keys to our Fire Command Centre (FCC, open 24 hours). Q: Am I allowed to get second serving without scanning the card again? Don’t miss their one-for-one promos! Note that you can tap a maximum of 3 times per meal each day. How can management help? Outside of this time period, please proceed to the Fire Command Centre (FCC, open 24 hours) to check in. Please separate your waste into these categories and dispose of them accordingly (Save the Earth!). For after office hours check-out, please notify the respective management Office 1 week prior to your check-out date. is 65168558. Q: Is there a lost and found department in RVR? )Singapore 138615, Residential College 46 College Avenue East#xx-xx (your unit no. 7. campus maps. Q: Can I cook here and are the utensils provided? Please submit your appeal to OSA via HAS website or We have a mailroom in CAPT! You can only top-up your credits at the kiosk. After the stipulated meal hours, meals will not be allowed to be consumed. You need to transfer to your actual room once cleaning is done. Q: Can Meal Plan credits be carried over to the next semester? Q: Who do I contact when the equipment in my room/apartment are not working? Am I allowed to purchase the Meal Plan? Q: I don't like the meal plan I've been given, or some of the foods in it. Do I need to book the Flying Seed to use the TV? The on-duty RA will assist to pass to the resident his/her room access card. Room allocations are under the purview of OSA and students are not allowed to choose their roommates or their nationality. Q: Can the hostel fees, meal plans and registration fee be paid by installment? As priority for our apartments go to our eligible faculty members, we will only be able to confirm availability for you approximately 1 month prior to occupant’s arrival. Please be informed that this is the admin fee charged for replacement and cost of labor incurred too. There are also “Make up room” and Do Not Disturb” door knob signs for the tenant to hang outside his/her apartment. Q: How many days of meals am I entitled to per Semester? ; School of Medicine, please contact For residents of College Alice & Peter Tan, you may proceed to College Administration office, located at Basement 1 to enquire about your delivered parcels. For enquiries, you can send an email to Please check our website for guest rooms information and availability What are the criteria / requirements if I want to book a facility in CAPT? Can OHS help me to find accommodation/housing? Q: Am I able to check out first and clear my outstanding payments later? You can contact our Duty Student Assistant (SA) at 91385713 on the check in date, this is an after-office-hours hotline for check in/out and lost cards/lockout cases. square pattern, Material used: High tension standard steel metallic cable with clear PVC layer, 8th floor and above - Increase $20 (exclude units with sea view, 8th floor and above), Different facings - Increase $80 (sea view, 8th floor and above). Please note that any unused credits after that will be forfeited. Please contact the respective OHS college offices and they will direct you to the correct person in charge who would advise or assist you in your meal plan requirements. No. The NUS emergency number is 68741616. One day meal plan consist of one meal credit for breakfast and one meal credit for dinner. © National University of Singapore. It is from 9th April to 18th April 2013. The first week was a hectic period of trying to remember the countless names, faces, and facts of everyone I … Q: What time can I consume during the Ramadan period? Like moodle, at the NUS they use IVLE. You have to contact the courier company directly for delivery. Please email to Can I check how many meal credits I have left? UTown Residence guest room rate: $128.00 per night. $30.00 for lost of residence keys (mailbox/mobile pedestal/wardrobe drawer). Can I book the guest apartment? Duty RA operating hours is from 7 pm to 7 am. Q: Are there any special periods where the Meal Plan will be affected? : 65-67748332) your payment advice to: Office of Financial Services (Accounts Receivable)National University of SingaporeUniversity Hall, Tan Chin Tuan Wing#UHT-03-0221 Lower Kent Ridge RoadSingapore 119077. o Airport pick up included. Residents will still be required to complete the proper check-out procedure during office hours (please refer to Q1 for the proper check-out procedure). Q: Are there times when I cannot use my Meal Plan? If your room is not ready, you will be assigned to a temporary room. Matriculation card: You will be able to check in without it, but we would need the matriculation or admission application number for verification purposes. Also, make sure that the button next to the earphone jack is switched on! Q: Who can I contact to request for extra items or removing items? It is paid when you are checking in to the college. However, please take-note that your room will only be reserved after the payment for the vacation application is made in full. The payment and payment advice (if any) should be sent to the address as shown on the invoice. The payment is due within 2-weeks from your check-in date. The meals are served at the following times: Breakfast: 7.00am to 10.30amDinner: 5.30pm to 9.30pm, Breakfast & Dinner are served on Mondays to FridaysOnly Breakfast is served on SaturdaysOnly Dinner is served on Sundays. Yes, standard practice for the University as a whole, requires students to clear your own trays after each meal. Q: How do I contact Office of Housing Services? You can book the MPSH, Theme Room, Flying Seed and the Dining Hall. You may approach the management office to apply for late application and make payment for the hostel vacation fees. Yes, the meal plan is regarded as a compulsory part of the integrative activities at all colleges. The Reading Room is dedicated to reading and quiet studying. IMPORTANT: Please remember to bring your Student Card when you visit the Dining Hall. Each neighbourhood may have its own policies and equipment regarding the use of the pantry, so please check with your Neighbourhood Committee and ensure that you comply with them. Faculty members shall not carry out any installation which may affect the external façade of the building without the prior written permission of the University. Yes, subject to room availability and you can only stay until 1 July 2013. If you wish to check in earlier please notify our Management Office through the link that will be provided or through email at Residents are required to proceed to the respective Management Office to settle all outstanding payments before checking out. Faculty members who wish to leave behind any appliance(s) for the benefit of the next incoming occupant free of charge may do so subject to a review on a case-by-case basis by OHS. The criteria to be eligible to apply for it is that you will need to have an official letter from NUS or your faculty stating the amount of monthly stipend you are receiving if you are on scholarship/bursary. What do I do if I lost my matriculation card? All exchange students were in the same boat of not knowing anyone, but eager to meet everyone. Part of your residential stay is a compulsory meal plan. Q: I have been offered an accommodation for next Semester. It is located on L1 at the pickup point, beside the … You are able to book in advance of one year for NUS exam booking and six months for others activities. Q: Am I allowed to bring in my own food into the dining hall to consume together with the food served according to the Meal Plan? It will enable routine maintenance as well as cyclical replacement works to be carried out on a timely basis to ensure that your living environment remains conducive and pleasant. The pantry is arguably the most important place you need to know, because it is where the water coolers are located (and common fridge, too). KGU’s Intensive Japanese Language and Culture Study Program for 2018. GST) per day for 2 meals. Yes, if students are on scholarship/bursaries/financial aid/stipend. Currently, Kent Vale and Pandan Valley are dedicated to housing for eligible staff and visiting staff of NUS. Q: I am currently a resident in PGPR/UTown, offered to stay in RVR for AY2013/2014. Welcome Page. Do you have a question that is not answered here? o Credit Transfer option. Food/Meals (Most on-campus accommodation comes with compulsory meal plans) S$400 to S$800 (3 meals a day) For Residential Colleges in University Town, the cost of the meal plan is S$8.00 per day (incl. Please pay at the Management Office (Seminar Room 1) using NETS or credit cards. If you are staying in a standard apartment, there are part-time cleaners. Bicycle Room is available at Level 2 of UTown Residence (located outside main foyer, near FCR). No, there will strictly be no cash payments. No. Yes, menu are also poster at all common lounge notice boards designated as Dining Times, Mobile Application (RC dining @ UTown) and OHS Website. We have prepared a list of FAQs and we hope you find the answers you are looking for. Room inspection will normally take about 10 – 15 minutes per room. freshmen faux pas: the hard stuff. Kent Vale 1 offers 3-bedroom and 2-bedroom apartments; whereas Kent Vale 2 offers 3-bedroom, 2-bedroom and 1-bedroom apartments in our newly built blocks Pandan Valley offers 3-bedroom and 2-bedroom apartments. Any improper check out will result in a $60 penalty being imposed on you. One standard meal serving definitely meet a day dietary requirement. PINES which is opposite Residence 5 (turn right from the main entrance foyer). Student Hostels/Residences: Monday-Thursday 9.00am-5.30pm, Friday 9.00am-5.00pm. What should I do for the check in process? Matriculation card: You will be able to check in without it, but we would need the matriculation or admission application number for verification purposes. We will be happy to answer your questions and welcome your comments. © National University of Singapore. You may wish to arrange for a personal delivery via courier. Q: Do I need to pay the entire accommodation fee upon checking in at UTown Residence? Q: Are wireless internet services in the rooms? Please note that parcels will NOT fit into the mailbox and neither the College office nor OHS is able to receive parcels on your behalf. There will be no refunds for the unused EVS credits and will be forfeited when you check-out. Q: Can I bring my own food into the dining hall if I am not participating in the meal plan? Who do I approach for help? Q: Who should I look for to get assistance pertaining to financial aid? How do I unpress a lift button? The occupancy/rental fee is charged on a monthly basis. A hectic period of trying to remember the countless names, faces, and basketball courts on. Or RAD or campus Security that are located at the respective colleges forwarded OFN! Panel and RVR counter KFH residents, the accepted mode of payment is due within 1 week advance... Own food into the dining hall your intended check out before the official check in procedure Tembusu... 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myaces meal credits
myaces meal credits 2021